Trade Beyond Borders with TEBADUL



Mehmet Nesih Özmen Mah. Şimşir Sok. No: 11 Merter, Güngören / İSTANBUL

About Company

Dear Customer; Your personal data may be processed by ALP TEKSTİL İNŞAAT VE TURİZM SANAYİTİC.LTD.ŞTİ. (‘’[Vaganza]’’ or “Company”) as the data controller in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, as explained below. Methods of Collecting Personal Data and Legal Reasons: Our Company obtains personal data by recording the information you share for your purchases or membership transactions on the Site or for shopping without becoming a member, by recording the data obtained from the use of your fixed/mobile internet and communication devices and/or mobile applications in various environments and places, by recording all kinds of shopping, collection, delivery and related transactions, survey filling, registration and behavioral transactions on the Site, and by recording the relevant documents regarding the return processes, directly from the information provided by the customer and from the data learned through collection tools. Your personal data; It is processed based on the legal grounds of data processing being necessary for the establishment and execution of the contract, being expressly provided for in the laws, fulfillment of legal obligations, legitimate interests of the data controller, and express consent for your cookie records.

Company Information

Business TypeLimited Company
Business CategoryManufacturer
Main ProductsClothing industry
Phone Number+*********02 Contact Supplier

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