Shipping Your Goods from Turkiye to Finland

Shipping Your Goods from Turkiye to Finland


Did you find the perfect Turkish products for your store? Do you want to import Turkish goods and products? Well, Turkiye plays a significant role in international trade as it has a strategic location. It also provides a good manufacturing hup because it has a good labor market and plenty of natural resources. Finding high-quality Turkish products is easy but shipping is what makes all the trouble. In this blog, we will simplify shipping goods from Turkiye to Finland.

Reasons to Import from Turkiye to Finland

  • Endless Options of Products: There are several export opportunities available in Turkey, a huge and intriguing market. It is the home of tiny, locally owned businesses with a strong entrepreneurial culture as well as massive multinational enterprises. Turkey serves as a viable market in nearly every industry and exports a vast amount of goods. The most popular category of Turkish imports is automobiles.
  • Prestigious Trading Partners: Business connections between the EU and Turkey have been closer in recent years as the EU has been Turkey's largest commercial partner for imports and exports. Regarding imports from the EU, Turkey comes in sixth place. Additionally, Turkey participates in Euromed, the Euro-Mediterranean collaboration. This organization aims to promote economic integration among sixteen Mediterranean countries.
  • Strategic Location for Trade: Turkey shares borders with several nations and is situated in both Europe and Asia. Due to its advantageous position, businesses wishing to grow into regions such as Central Asia and the South Caucasus might utilize it as a springboard.
  • A Promising Future: The Turkish market has had an incredible comeback in the import and export sector in recent years, because of this, traders and investors have been drawn to open offices in Turkey to take part in a market that offers significant opportunities for higher profits.

Types of Shipping Methods from Turkiye to Finland

Air Freight

Any item carried or intended to be carried in an airplane is known as air cargo. This cargo reaches its destination faster than other types of shopping methods. People who want fast delivery as time is a crucial factor for the selling process choose air freight to transfer their goods. One of the main reasons why companies exporting to Finland or Turkey choose air freight is fewer vehicle transfers in the process, thus obtaining a faster and safer transportation service.

The following are possible routes for your air freight from Turkey to Finland:

  • Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport to Helsinki Vantaa Airport.
  • Gazipaşa-Alanya Airport to Helsinki Vantaa Airport.
  • İstanbul Airport to Helsinki Vantaa Airport.

Sea Freight

Global trade and travel have long required maritime transit. It currently serves as the cornerstones for global trade. The main advantage of sea freight over the other methods is the low cost. But you should be aware that your cargo may take a longer time to reach its destination. Here are some of the possible routes between Turkiye and Finland.

  • Aliaga seaport to Kotka seaport
  • Gemlik seaport to Helsinki seaport

Land Freight

The movement of products from one place to another by motor vehicles via a network of roads is known as road freight. The primary benefits of road freight stem from the fact that trucks have access to an infrastructure that no other mode of transportation can match. When it comes to inland transit, the road system is by far the biggest. Road freight is another option for moving products from Turkey to Finland. By car, the about 4,494 km route takes around two days and one hour.

Customs Clearance for Shipping from Turkiye to Finland

Clearing customs entails paying the import fees and taxes owed on the products you ordered from overseas and submitting a statement to Customs. Customs duty, excise duty, VAT, and other levies are examples of import taxes and charges. 

Every commodity has a code. The commodity code determines the amount of customs duty. You are exempt from paying customs tax on items that match specific commodity codes. The cost of transportation and the item's purchasing price often make up the customs value. The customs value and the commodity code determine the customs duty. A proportion of the customs value is typically the customs duty. Then, it is referred to as an ad valorem duty. Generally speaking, items costing 150 euros or less are exempt from customs charges.

How Much Does Shipping from Turkey to Finland Cost?

Between Finland and Turkey, Tebadul International Trade provides reasonably priced shipping services.

Finding the best deal to estimate your shipping expenses should be simple. You may get precise real-time pricing for the most affordable shipping rates by using our shipping rate calculator.

If you would want a more detailed discussion of transit alternatives and routes, please get in touch with us. After considering every relevant factor, you and our experts may choose which choice is best for your items.

Shipping from Turkiye to Finland with Tebadul

Tebadul, an international trade company, is located in Istanbul. It provides a reliable courier service for businesses and individuals who want to import from Turkiye. You can transfer products and goods from Turkiye to any place in the world at the lowest cost possible. We also provide a wide range of commercial services from finding the best supplier to preparing the required documents for import and export.

Please, Contact us today and get the best quotes.

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